Hello everyone!
It’s officially August! I’m taking a trip back to Minneapolis later this month and planning to visit the Minnesota State Fair. Their deep-fried pickles are a must-try! 🥒
The Data Engineer Things (DET) community is now a family of almost 3000 members! Thank you for being part of it!
🌟 Community Highlights
As you may already know, DET is also an online publication on Medium for data engineers to share their expertise and insights in writing. Our publication has grown so much in the past few months - we now have 1.4K followers and are part of the selective Boost Pilot Program.
And… We want to encourage more folks to discover the joy of technical writing!
DET and
are co-hosting a session on Medium Day (3 PM, Aug 12th PT)! In this panel discussion, you will hear from DET editors and Ben to learn about their journeys in technical writing, how blogging accelerated their career growth, and tips for new writers to get started.👉 Sign up for Medium Day HERE (free registration).
📚 Articles of the Month
“I want the data by 9AM every day” and other tales by Borja Vazquez
Interviewing for Data Engineering in 2023 by Ravi Ganta
Do you really need exactly-once delivery? by Yaroslav Tkachenko
Introducing OpenHouse for Big Data Management by LinkedIn Engineering
Announcing Delta Lake 3.0 with New Universal Format and Liquid Clustering by Databricks Engineering
(Want to publish blogs with DET? Read our submission guidelines here.)
🎸 Events & Activities
[Aug 4] [Online] SQL + Analytics Group Mock Interview: The data engineering interview panel almost always includes a SQL round to assess not only your SQL skill but also your analytical thinking. Join this group mock interview session to better prepare yourself for a competitive job market. Sign up HERE.
[Aug 11] [Online] Data Integration with Apache SeaTunnel: Apache SeaTunnel is a top-level Apache project, adopted by over 1K enterprises for data ingestion. In this webinar, William Kwok and Hao Xu will talk about the use cases of SeaTunnel and why JP Morgan & Chase chose it for ETL. Sign up HERE.
Do you live in Seattle? Are you craving some in-person data engineering social? Join the #team-seattle channel! We are planning a DET meetup in Oct.
(Missed a DET event? All recordings of past webinars are available on our Youtube channel.)
Want to recommend awesome DE content to be featured in the next newsletter? Submit them here.
Have a great week and see you next time!